Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat 8-6pm
Closed Sunday
Bulk Soil
If an order is placed for pick up, you may pick up your order from our Bulk Yard at anytime. Please have your 4 digit order number ready upon arrival.
Use calculation IN FEET to measure how much product you will need:
Length x Width x 0.003 x Depth (in Inches) = Amount in yards
E.g: 10ft x 15ft = 150 x 0.003 = 0.45 x 3"(D) = 0.9 yards (roughly 1 yard)
If you are purchasing more than 8 bags, you may want to consider purchasing in loose bulk instead.
Orders placed for delivery will be delivered next day unless requested other wise. Please note Rice Road Greenhouses does NOT guarantee delivery times. Your order may arrive anywhere between 8-5 the day of your delivery.
PLEASE NOTE WE CAN ONLY DELIVER ONE TYPE OF SOIL, MULCH OR STONE AT A TIME. You do not want to mix your soil with your stone! Please add a delivery fee for each additional item. We can only put one item in the truck at a time.
*DO NOT add the delivery fee if you are purchasing only one type of bulk product.