Are you open for walk-ins?
We are! So long as restrictions allow us to, we are, and will remain open to the public during business hours.
Are you pet-friendly?
Absolutely! We are more than happy to welcome visitors as well as their furry companions (so long as they’re leashed and on good behaviour). We do have two Shop Cats (Gerri and Kyle) who will do their best to avoid any canine companions, but if your dogs are cat-aggressive, please take extra care to ensure that you are in full control during your visit.
Note: One of the owners (Steve) owns a Newfoundlander puppy by the name of Penny who sometimes free roams around the property. She is very friendly, but doesn't yet have the best manners...she gets excited and is wants to make friends with every dog she sees. Should your companion be dog-aggressive, it may be best to leave them at home.
Do you price-match?
As a smaller, family-run greenhouse, we already keep our prices as low as possible, and so we cannot price-match what other greenhouses/nurseries or Big Box stores might offer.
Can I use my Rice Road Gift Card On the Online Store?
Not by design. Our Gift Cards are tied to our retail store, and our POS (point of sale) system is a rather old one, and can't talk directly to our Online Store. This means that Gift Cards can be used for in-person purchases from the greenhouse, gift store, and bulk yard, but not on the online store.
If you'd like to use your Gift Card towards an online purchase, please email us to let us know before you place your order, and please include your Gift Card's number, and which plants you'd like to buy. We'll run the gift card manually and deduct the amount required for the order. Should there not be enough on the card to cover for the full order, we can send an invoice to you for the remainder afterwards.
Do you carry "Damp-Off"?
No, we do not carry Damp-Off. It is illegal to use in Canada, and so it is something that we neither carry, nor use in our greenhouse.
What is this bug?
If you find a bug that is pestering your plants, please feel free to take a picture and send it our way to While we are not entomologists, nor are we licensed for pest removal, we sometimes have luck finding out what a particular critter might be, and may be able to help suggest treatments.
We've also had varying luck in identifying bugs which have been captured and brought to us to check out - but this will have to wait until we are allowed to have in-store shoppers/visitors again.
Something is going on with my tree! Can you help?
We can try, but we cannot make any guarantees. We are not licensed arborists in any way, but so long as you do not mind that we are not specialists and cannot promise that we'll be able to identify/solve an issue, we don't mind taking a look. Just as with mystery bugs, please send images of affected trees/leaves/stems..etc to
Are you hiring?
We hire throughout the year, and while we don't advertise postings, should you be interested in working with us, please email us your resume, what you're interested in, and when you'd be available. In the subject line, put: Attention: Lauren at the start.
Something isn’t working! I’m not seeing the right price/shipping, or I’m seeing errors!
There are a lot of things happening in the backend, and sometimes changes might not update “locally” (ie, on your computer, tablet or phone) immediately. If something odd happens, please try the following:
- Please try using the Google Chrome browser, and open up a new Incognito Window and try again. What Incognito does is clear out any saved/”cached” information that browsers may hold on to, preventing them from seeing the newest changes/information. If you can’t use Chrome, another option would be to Clear your specific Browser’s Cache directly.
- If the issue still happens, please email us at with the following:
- A description of what you were doing when the issue happened. If you were checking out a specific item, please include a link to the product in your email.
- Your browser information (The easiest way is to just visit and copy/paste the link the site provides at the top in the email)
- If the issue is related to Shipping or pickup charges, please include your Postal Code
Are your phone lines down?
Unless something happens (power outage..etc), our phones are up and running during business hours! If you can’t get through when calling in, it’s because all of our lines are currently busy. Please keep trying, and there is also the option to email us, or use our Contact Us page.
PayPal keeps giving me a “try again” error when I try to pay. What gives?
We’ve been going over our transactions whenever anyone mentions that error, and each time, other orders are going through without any trouble. This means that the issue could be local (there’s something going on with a web browser, or an extension that’s installed), it could be a PayPal-specific error, or it could be that there’s something going on at the bank/credit card-issuer’s end.
If this error crops up for you, please try the following:
- Give a different web browser a try (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)
- Call up your bank, and ask to speak with their Fraud Department. Explain that you’re trying to use your card on an online store which uses PayPal to take credit card info.
To explain: Being able to go through PayPal for separate credit card payments is relatively new, and if you’ve never paid for an order using this method before, the credit card/bank might be locking things down for fear of fraud. Usually it just takes a quick call and confirmation that the attempt was legitimate for the order to go through successfully the next time it’s attempted.
What if I didn’t get my order email/order number?
Depending on which option you choose during checkout, you might receive your order confirmation and information either via email or via text.
If you opted to receive email notifications and you haven't received it, please be sure to check your email provider’s junk mail/spam folder, since email providers may flag our emails as “spam” incorrectly.
Should you find our emails in your junk/spam folder, please add * to your Address Book.
If your order confirmation email is still nowhere to be found after checking your spam/junk and text records, please contact us, and let us know your first and last name, date of your order, the order total, and a brief description of what you bought.
What if I’m looking for something that isn’t on the Online Store?
Email us at, or use our Contact Us page! It never hurts to ask, and if we do have what you want/need in stock, we can help put an order together for you. If we do not have the item yet, we can always set it so that if/when the item is in stock, we can let you know.