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Perennials 2021

With how busy it's been, we have had to make changes to how we list some items on the Online Store. With it being so busy, and with stock selling out all the time, rather than having each Perennial listed on their own as a separate product, we have instead listed Availabilities via a spreadsheet instead. 

This spreadsheet shows Perennials where we have at least 2 trays in stock. Please note that these numbers, prices and sizes are accurate as of the date at the top of the sheet. Plants oftentimes sell out quickly, so this list is not meant as a guarantee that the plants will be in stock currently. 

If you would like to place an order online for Perennials on this list, please email us at with a list of what you were looking for, their sizes and numbers, and we'll go through to try and gather them for you.  

Looks like the Spreadsheet wasn't updating itself automatically as it was set to, so we've had to remove the listed spreadsheet as it kept on displaying out of date information. Please click this link to go to the most recent version of the Spreadsheet.