Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30am-6pm
Sat 7:30am-5pm
Closed Sunday
Beneficial Bugs!
Do you have grubs in your lawn?
You can usually tell if your lawn has bare spots with small dig holes. This is usually a skunk digging in your lawn to eat the grubs! The grubs themselves might not seem like a major headache to you right now, but you will notice over time that the animals who are digging them up can do some major damage to your lawn!
Well, have no fear! There’s a natural, beneficial, safe and organic way to take care of the grubs! This isn’t an insecticide - in fact, it’s another insect. A microscopic one! This beneficial insect is naturally parasitic to larger insects, particularly ones that live in the soil and are still in their larval or pupal state. So, what is it you ask? Nematodes!
These beneficial nematodes can be used in your lawn, garden, pasture, orchard, vineyard, greenhouse and more! They are a microscopic, colourless roundworm that takes up residence inside those pesky grubs in your lawn. They are invasive to these larvae, but are not harmful to pets or their humans! Known for use in the garden for grubs, they can also be helpful for caterpillars, cutworms, crown borers, corn rootworms, crane flies, thrips, fungus gnats & even beetles. And, as a bonus, they have no effect on your precious garden helpers - earthworms!
Pro’s of using nematodes
How to apply: